Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Financial Fitness

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One more, two more, three more..... Who remembers workout videos of such? I do and I'm telling my age of 25. 25? I meant 25 years ago there use to be these famous workout videos with instructors screaming at us to get off our couches and move our butts. Well our bodies need exercise and our brains do to. Below are six Financial Fitness gems.

1. Don't put saving money on the back burner. People do it all the time making excuses on why they cannot save a dime. Everyone can save. Start small and then get to your goals.

2. Don't create more debt. Don't borrow money if you know you cannot return soon. Stay away from opening more credit cards or store credit cards. They lower your credit score every time you open one. The %10 from Target is not worth it.

3. Save for your retirement. Social Security is not enough anymore. That's if you get it by time your ready to retire.

4. Cut back on expensive habits. Yes, no more Starbucks Latte, Frappe, icy, mocha, chino, callow, tea slash coffee with cream and 3.6 ounces of milk honey. If your also buying the new I-Phone with 12 accessories, then I'm talking to you as well.

5. Invest in your financial education. Read more books. Research on YouTube. However you acquire the information, do it like Jordan and Nike. Nike or Jordan, please send FREE sneakers since I used your names twice. Thanks in advance.

6. Build your own watch list of companies and start to invest in the market. Start off with only 5 and when your comfortable, get more. Investments will add numerous pillows to your retirement. If you need help, reach out to investment experts.

Marquis J. Walker
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