Thursday, January 2, 2020

9 Ways to get out of debt in 2020!

For my FIRST BLOG POST, I'm going to start with some financial knowledge. I heard this quote when I was little and it said, "If you hang with 9 broke friends, your bound to be the 10th one." Not sure who originally delivered those bars, but that saying stuck with me. I'm all about making sure the people around me are in good financial shape. Only if they want to be. My headlock isn't that strong as I age. This is an invitation. But, not just my circle of love ones, the world. Please share, comment and support me. Thanks in advance.

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9 Ways to get out of debt in 2020!

1. Create a budget. And if you are married or a couple, do it together. And once your budget is completed, make sure you re-visit it at least four times a year or more.

2. Cut the 3 "C's". Cable, Cell Phone and credit cards. Call these companies and ask them to cut down you bills and interest rates. Cut other bills as well. You will have to sacrifice.

3. Learn a new trade if your not inclined of talent. Some side hustles come natural to some, but others need training. Ex. Everyone cannot be a ride share driver.

4. Ask for a raise or a promotion. Take notes and keep a file on your progress at work and highlight that in your yearly review.

5. Start a business or a side hustle. I started a clothing line with my daughter. Links below. Also check out my YouTube channel below. Subscribe and ring the bell for notifications please.
Marquis Walker YouTube Channel

6. Pay down your debt either by the highest credit card interest rates or the lowest bills.

7. Rent out a room if you have it. Get a roommate. Rent out your extra storage unit.

8. Coupon! Save money of food and other items by using coupons. Don't eat out as much as well.

9. Make homemade cleaning supplies. I use vinegar and baking soda for everything. If you reading this, share your homemade remedies for cleaning and other things below.

Thanks for reading my first blog. I feel special.

Marquis J. Walker
Blogger/Father/Music Reviewer
Cevere's Creations
Shop Amazon Now

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