Tuesday, January 28, 2020

7 Funny "$" Savings Tips

Tax season is so stressful to most, so I wanted to lighten up the mood. Below are seven funny money savings tips. I'll start off and hopefully you will share some of yours in the comments below. I'm looking forward to you making me laugh as well.

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Tip #1: Freeze Your Credit Cards are Under Arrest!

Freeze your credit cards. I'm not sure where I heard this one from, but it was around my college years. Around the same time they were throwing credit cards at me like playing cards. And I was catching all of them. I believe I opened at least four credit cards at the same time. Boy, was that a mistake. Nobody in my circle ever told me about credit. I thought it was free money. NOPE! But I do remember someone telling me, don't cut your credit cards, freeze them! Put them in water and freeze them. Whatever you decide to use, water or scissors, just get out of debt. Please view my other blogs to do so.

Tip #2: "Oh Snap, I forgot my...."

Don't bring your purse/wallet? I'm not sure if I can do this one myself, but I understand the concept. Of course if you do this, bring your license. Something that will identify you. Your friends maybe mad at you when your not paying your portion of the bills, but they will get over it. Tell them to read this blog, they will understand. Wait! Then they will not bring there money as well. Who's going to pay? You can always wash dishes.

Tip #3: Lunch Super(Market) Special

This is something I do whenever I'm around the supermarkets. I'm in love with FREE samples. Not just at the markets, but at the malls. I'm the type of person that will act like I'm three different people, just to get another sample. Hat to the back, hat down by my eyes and hat off and the FREE samples are in my belly. LOL!

Tip #4: You Must(ard) Ketchup!

That's right people, I steal condiment packets. Also napkins for my car. You never know when you will need a tissue. If you take a couple of mustard, ketchup, salt and pepper packets, I'm pretty sure your savor will forgive you. I really like the hot sauce packets. So if you come to my home, please don't think I'm cheap.

Tip #5: Fridge Selfie

Yes, fridge selfie. Take a picture of your fridge when it's full of food, then when you go shopping again, it's like a visual list. You can also write a list on your phone, but your fridge is sexy and it needs attention too. Snap away!

Tip #6: What? A Coupon!

All you have to do is speak with the waiter when your dates not looking. Sneak them the coupon and you are in the clear? Most restaurants have deals during the week. So, I usually look online and find discounts and sometimes FREE meals. Do your research for restaurants, museums, zoos, etc. Full Price is old school, save money and make money.

Tip #7: Bowl Cuts?

There are ways to save money with the bowl cut. Put a bowl on your head and get the hair clippers. Or fellas, learn to use clippers and save on a few cuts a year by shaping up your self and fading your sides. Ladies, you could join us with the BC or you can save on those expensive hair products and make home remedies for your skin and your hair. And ladies, the make-up too. I know it cost to be the boss ladies, but it's also great to save money, not to be funny. 

Thanks again for taking the time to read my blog(s). I'm honored and blessed someone is reading. Please comment below and read my other blogs. 

Also, please support my daughter, my girlfriend and myself below in our business endeavors. I'm also a Amazon affiliate. Please support if you can. I'll write (see) you next time. 

Marquis J. Walker
Father/Creator/1/3 Comedian

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

DON'T spend your TAX RETURN!

Hopefully I'm not to late. Did you spend your tax return yet? Do you already have it spent in your mind? What are you going to do with that refund? If your lucky to get one. Are you going on that vacation to the Caribbean? It might sound insane, but a large tax refund is a good way to improve your life style. Here are a couple of ways to make that happened.

Material Things Depreciate

I know the new Jordan's are out. I know the new Gucci perfume is out. I know the new Prada bags are coming in February. And yes, I know the new Tesla's just lowered there prices. But, material items depreciate over time. They are not good investments. The shiny objects in the windows are a bad investment. Try investing in items that appreciate, like watches, property, gold and the stock market.

Hit the Casino$$$$$

You get your return. You say to yourself, Self, we received more money than I thought we were going to obtain this year. Didn't they just build a new casino in Boston? Road trip! The casino can be tempted and so can the lottery. You have to resist the Temptations, unless its the group. "Dum, Dum, Dum, Dum, Dum, Dum!" You were thinking that tempo, don't like Craig. LOL! But put the BREAKS on the casino please. The odds are stacked against you. Gambling has zero guaranteed rate of return. If you do win, my routing number is?

Don't Let It Collect Dust In Your Account

I would always recommend you to save money in your bank accounts that have the highest interest rates. Cash is good! You need cash for emergencies as well, so save for that rainy day. Banks are also a safe place for your money. Very understandable. But, I also recommend that you have another place for that large refund as well. If not the stock market, real estate or something that accumulates funds.  Some people leave it in their accounts and then spend it slowly. Some people use it to pay off debt. I just recommend you use the money to make money. And if you don't know where to start, look for free assistance online or in your community. If you can afford it, I'd advise you get a Financial Adviser.

KIDS! What kids?

We know you want to be the best parents in the world. We know little James is asking for the new Samsung 10 or I Phone29. We know Kim is asking to go shopping. Once they receive those material items, they will crave more and more. If you really want to spend money on your kids, help them start investing in the stock market early. Start off with the Acorn app. Or even the Robinhood app where you don't need a broker. Or you can set up a 529 College Savings Account for them. Trust me, they will thank you later.

Babe, did you see the NEW BLAH, BLAH car commercial?

There are thousands of car commercials during the holidays and especially during tax refund season. They are like crows flying around waiting to get your seeds (money). Buying your dream car is tempting every year. I still go by the saying, "If you cannot purchase two, you cannot afford one." The rich people purchase assets that make them money and then buy their dream cars.

If you have a heavy hand on your wallet/purse, then make sure there is money coming in that balance that. Now that everyone is sharing the secrets on getting money and staying wealthy online and in books, there shouldn't be any excuses. YouTube and the web can change your life, if your searching on the right channels. Buying a used car is okay. Buy a refurbished car. Using cash is a must. It eliminates large purchases usually.

Don't Pay off, to Spend On!

Some people pay off those credit cards and then start the cycle over again. If you do decide to pay off your credit cards, which is a great idea, don't start burning that plastic. Put the cards down. Not to say don't use your credit cards, but just make sure you don't go over 30% of your availability. If your credit limit is 100 dollars, then don't spend over 30 dollars on your credit cards. Simple math equals simple dollars.

You promise me this year a vacation honey buns!

You can still vacation. I actually enjoy traveling. I just returned from London and Amsterdam. I'm saying plan your vacation and find savings. Find discounts. Find programs that pay you to vacation. You'd be surprise on how you can travel for free. Comment below and share people. Exchange programs. Maybe your job even. Believe me, I've seen and heard it all. Plan, Save and have Fun!

Marquis, what should we do with our refunds?

Well, my cashapp and venmo is? Just kidding. But you can support my daughter's or significant other's clothing lines below. Thanks in advance.

Whatever you do with your refund, it should be to help your future. To help your love ones futures. So pay off debt or build an emergency fund. Putting the money to your kids education is key as well. Let's not forget about the stock market or your retirement funds. Max out your 401K's and 403B's yearly. There may not be any social security when you retire.

Just plan with your money. Make sure you don't regret it. Find the best ways to invest in yourself as well. Maybe go back and get a degree. Maybe write that book you always wanted to do. Do you miss doing art? Get a canvas and express yourself. The whole reason I do blogs, YouTube videos or other social media is to share information only. I believe we are put on this planet to help ourselves and then help others. It's like the instructions of a plane crash, you are instructed to take care of yourself first with the oxygen mask and then your kids.

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Once again, thanks for taking the time to read my blog. I really appreciate you.

Please add comments below. Share my platforms and help me create better content. Subscribe to my YouTube channel, support my Daughter's clothing line and I'll continue to share information. I'll share anyway, I love to read, write and express myself artistically. 

Marquis J. Walker
Blogger/Financial Learner/Music Critic

*Some Links are from Amazon. I'm an Amazon Influencer. It's another side hustle to look into. Check into it. It could be profitable for you and your family. Selling items from Amazon may contradict my message above, but you have will power, don't click. Click below to support the little MAN!


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Wednesday, January 15, 2020

How I Pick My Dividend Stocks?

I use to be scared of the stock market. My family and friends never invested, so I figured I would follow the pattern. Boy was I wrong. The stock market is amazing. I've been learning daily for about 15 years now. I'm vested and invested.

If your a rookie to this subject, please go on YouTube or online and learn more. I am not an expert of any sort. I'm just passionate about the market and I love to share information. Check other blogs, YouTube videos and such below. If your an expert or learning heavily, you can 2nd me about the market being amazing in the comment section.

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How I Pick Dividend Stocks

1. Cash yield of 3% or higher
2. History of growing the dividend
3. Appropriate payout ratio
4. Fundamental Analysis

Now, I'm going to share five of my picks to watch in 2020 and beyond. This is my opinion only. Please research the stocks below and others you want to invest in. Thanks in advance.

1. Crestwood Equity (CEQP): Low $30's currently.
2. Chimera Investment (CIM): Low $20's currently.
3. AllianceBernstein (AB): Low $30's currently.
4. New York Mortgage Trust (NYMT): Low $10's currently. (Under 10 actually)
5. Sunoco (SUN): Low $30's currently.

And now that I made you some money, you can support my daughter's clothing line below. Please click below. Also, support me on my social media platforms below as well. Thanks in advance.

Marquis J. Walker
Cincerely Yours Wear & Accessories
Marquis Walker Youtube Channel
Marquis Walker Twitter Account
Marquis Walker Facebook Account

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Wealth Test

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Okay people, someone has developed a wealth test and I stole it. It seems to be on point, so check it out. Let me know what you think about it. Let me know you scores if your not shy. Thanks in advance.

*Just add up numbers to the questions on the right.

The Wealth Test

1. You Own Stock?                                                 5
2. Your Stocks Pay Dividends?                             2
3. You Own Real Estate?                                       8
4. Started a Business?                                            9
5. Have a Side-Hustle?                                           5
6. You have a long term plan?                               2
7. Have 10K in Savings Account?                         2
8. Have a Network of 100+ People?                      6
9. Your Partner has a job?                                     3
10. Got a College Degree?                                      1
11. You have a Retirement Plan?                           2
12. Have read 20+ Business Books?                       6
13. Other Streams of Passive Income?                  9

<20 = Your're Broke!
>20 = Average Investor
>50 = Wealthy Person (My NEW best friends. Let me be the first to say I LOVE you. LOL! Just kidding, but if you have the knowledge, share it please.)

*Please subscribe, share, comment on my videos YouTube channel below. Also support my Daughter's clothing line "Cincerely Yours" as well by clicking links below. Thanks in advance.

Marquis J. Walker
CincereWear&CevereGear Facebook
How to reduce Bills and Expenses?
Savings Challenge in 2020?
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Cevere's Creations
Dave Says So!
Shop Amazon!

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Financial Fitness

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One more, two more, three more..... Who remembers workout videos of such? I do and I'm telling my age of 25. 25? I meant 25 years ago there use to be these famous workout videos with instructors screaming at us to get off our couches and move our butts. Well our bodies need exercise and our brains do to. Below are six Financial Fitness gems.

1. Don't put saving money on the back burner. People do it all the time making excuses on why they cannot save a dime. Everyone can save. Start small and then get to your goals.

2. Don't create more debt. Don't borrow money if you know you cannot return soon. Stay away from opening more credit cards or store credit cards. They lower your credit score every time you open one. The %10 from Target is not worth it.

3. Save for your retirement. Social Security is not enough anymore. That's if you get it by time your ready to retire.

4. Cut back on expensive habits. Yes, no more Starbucks Latte, Frappe, icy, mocha, chino, callow, tea slash coffee with cream and 3.6 ounces of milk honey. If your also buying the new I-Phone with 12 accessories, then I'm talking to you as well.

5. Invest in your financial education. Read more books. Research on YouTube. However you acquire the information, do it like Jordan and Nike. Nike or Jordan, please send FREE sneakers since I used your names twice. Thanks in advance.

6. Build your own watch list of companies and start to invest in the market. Start off with only 5 and when your comfortable, get more. Investments will add numerous pillows to your retirement. If you need help, reach out to investment experts.

Marquis J. Walker
How to reduce bills and expenses?
Support My Daughter's Clothing Line Below:
Cevere's Creations
Shop Amazon!

5 Ways to Find a Financial Role Model!

Let's get it together this year and beyond people. If you need help, ask for it. Don't be SCARED. Everyone needs a Financial Role Model and they maybe right in front of your eyes. Like me! I digest. Any(Whooo!), below are FIVE ways to find a financial role model.

1. Call your BANK! What? Banks have prestige customer status. If you've been a loyal customer at your bank, you may qualify for complimentary sessions with a financial advisory.

2. Reach out to Friends! People you know are doing well. Swallow your pride and ask for and use their knowledge. These contacts can point you in the right direction when it comes to budgeting or providing advice on how to better manage your finances.

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3. Check online for mentoring programs! You can go online or utilize a financial adviser in person. There is so much FREE information out there, I'm pretty sure you can access a FREE ADVISER. This is just a consideration to register for an online program. I'm not getting paid to promote any of them, so good luck on that. LOL! I like free.

4. Call your Family Members! You know who is living it up in your family. It's the person you give a side eye to during every family function. Next time your staring at them in jealousy, tap them on the shoulder and ask them for advice. This is an open invitation to my family. To my millions (only 5) of my followers and readers, swallow that pride and reach out and touch that rich family member(s).

5. Get Social! If your online, please utilize it for financial information. There are plenty of finance gurus (clearing throat) and experts (clearing throat loader) out there. Start watching my, I mean my Podcast, I mean other people's podcast for help. LOL!

I have a Men's Financial Night that I do and it's working out pretty well. My circle of friends come to the table and share stories and we learn from each other. I'm hoping to start them once a month, but currently I do these whenever I can get a speaker. I'm aware people don't want to hear my mouth over and over again. If you do, I do voice-overs. LOL.

Keep in mind, reading and researching won't be enough if you aren't interacting directly with your role model – you need to follow through on what you have learned, so having an accountability partner along the way can help.

Marquis J. Walker
Click Below for My 5th Podcast
MasterBlaster Podcast 5
Click Below to support My Daughter's Clothing Line:
Cevere's Creations
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Most people are broke, but they look good!

Most people look really good, but they are broke. 70% of America is in debt. There's a trillion dollars in student loan debt. You don't want to be normal, you want to be weird. You want to stand out and be the opposite of what broke people do. If you want to be fat, eat lots of food. If you want to be in shape, workout. If you want money, follow the four steps below.

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I'd like to know what my audience is doing. Please share in the comments. Are you maintaining knowledge and not using it? Do you like to be poor? What behaviors are you putting out? Tell me where you went wrong? I can admit, most of my life, I went left. Way left! I was spending money before I made it. I had the new sneakers, the gear (check link), the jewelry and whatever else was poppin. I was brainwashed and hypnotized. Don't let that happen to you with these apps online. Put some time per day to develop your side hustles.

Some people make good money and are still in financial limbo. Stop trying to impress people with material items. That car will depreciate as soon as if off the lot. I've been driving a 2011 Nissan Versa for 6 years so far. Bought it for 5 thousand cash, no payments. When I build wealth, then I'll get something nicer. I'm patient. I'm going to develop income that pays for material items. Like property or investments.

You have to develop a path for wealth. I'm just ripping and ranting, but you get the point. There are four things to do to develop wealth. All four will equal to wealth eventually when you have patience and determination.

1. Review your budget at least twice a day.
2. Live within your means.
3. Save
4. Invest

Marquis J. Walker My YouTube Channel
Cincerely Yours Clothing Apparel
How to be Wealthy in 15 Seconds?
Cevere's Creations
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Monday, January 6, 2020

5 Ways to Create Passive Income

1. Create a YouTube channel. You can create much passive income. Teach online. Sell online. Just create content you love and the people will come. And there are videos on YouTube telling you how.

2. Create designs online like on Printful or Teespring. You can profit for just creating and adding your design to clothes and accessories. It's a great idea for anyone. You create and they do all the work.

3. Create and sell online courses. Launch a video of courses and get paid. If they watch your video, you get paid. Try Teachable.com. You can even teach art or fitness.

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4. Airbnb please! Some people are scared to do this, but Airbnb is safe. They have all the information for both parties and you can feel safe renting out your home or just a room.

5. Create a E-Book. A great site is "Designrr" to start with.

I'm aware your here to acquire tips from me, but if you don't mind, supporting my daughter's clothing line below. Thanks in advance. And comment below on some subjects you'd like me to discuss next.

Marquis J. Walker
Father/Blogger/Music Reviewer

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Cevere's Creations

Sunday, January 5, 2020

10 ways to reduce your expenses?

1. Reduce rent payments by living by your means. Once you develop your budget, you know what you can afford. Don't try to impress the Jones's, they already have generational wealth. We are just starting the habits for wealth.

2. If you have an additional room, rent it out. Interview a few people and rent out the room for half the rent. You can even put the person on your lease.

3. Reduce your energy bills by shopping around. Electricity is expensive. There is competition out there that is itching for your business. A few simple ways to save money: Use energy efficient light bulbs and turn off when not in use. Unplug items in the house, like microwaves. Use power strips for your television and internet box and turn them off when not in use. AC's use a lot of energy. Remember to turn off and unplug. When it's cold outside, insulate your home. Use plastic on the windows. Invest in door sweeps to eliminate air and unwanted visitors.

4. If you own a home, invest in solar energy. Eventually, you will acquire too much energy and your'll be able to sell it. Passive income to the fullest.

5. I call Sprint all the time and dispute my bill. For some reason, they always have a new plan they can add me to. LOL! Call them and tell them, I'm switching to T-Mobile. You get my drift.

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Reduce by Slicing and Dicing

6. Lower your interest fees and consolidate your debt. The average american has a credit card balance of 17,000 with an average rate of 16.49%. Call these credit card companies and ask for a lower interest rate. If you find yourself overwhelmed on your bills, call a nonprofit credit counseling agency and enroll in a debt management program.

7. If you have the space, grow your vegetables. You don't have to go out a buy a tractor and get the cowboy hat, but growing a garden is surprisingly easy, rewarding and is a huge stress reliever.

8. Stop bad habits. Do you smoke cigarettes? Stop!

9. Get around the cheapest, not the most practical. Sometimes you have to save money and be inconvenience for a bit. You may have to take the MBTA and smell blanks underarms for a couple of stops. LOL! Just kidding. If taking Uber and Lyft is saving you money, do it. At the end of the day, you know what you can afford.

10. Stop spending money on the weekend. Find FREE things to do with your love ones. Cook and bake with your family and create memories. Play board games. Scrabble, Monopoly and Trivia Pursuit are some of my favorites. I still hold the championship belt for Connect Four, Spades and Uno.

*Please comment below and let me know more subjects you'd like me to highlight next. Also, support my daughter's clothing ling below. Thanks in advance.

Marquis J. Walker
Father/Blogger/Hip-Hop Reviewer

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Cevere's Creations

Friday, January 3, 2020

6 More Legitimate ways to make income/cash

1. Photography is a great side or main hustle. People always need pics for special occasions or to manage their social media platforms. You can sell your pictures on sites like Shutterstock.

2. Do you get along with kids? Sometimes! Oh, this is not for me to answer. LOL! Be a babysitter. One of the oldest side hustles on the planet. 

3. Maintain your neighbors yards. Shovel snow, rake leaves or learn to garden. There's huge money it this.

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4. Start a cleaning service. People don't love/like to clean. Let's be honest. If you don't mind, get paid. Some people find it relaxing. Put some DMX in your ears and AJAX on the sponge.

5. Repair Things. I do! Email me for my specialties. You can fix computers, sinks, small electric issues, etc. 

6. Repair and create resumes. I do that as well. Look me up, I'm pretty talented. This is a job in itself. Help people get those great jobs so they can get out of debt and vacation with the ones they love.

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*If you don't mind supporting my daughter's clothing line below. Click link below. Thanks in advance.

Marquis J. Walker
Father/Blogger/Music Reviewer

Cevere's Creation
Shop Amazon!

Legitimate Ways to Make Extra Cash

I listed 10 below, but I'll be blogging more soon. Comment, share and support and I'll add that content you like and crave. And when you become rich, you can come back here and click below to support my daughter's clothing line. Thanks in advance.

See the source image

Cevere's Creations

10 Legitimate Ways to Make Extra Cash

1. Get paid to go shopping and make deliveries. Postmates could be the job for you.

2. Take surveys. Survey Junkie pays you instantly via PayPal.

3. Deliver food with the food apps like Uber eats. Especially if your car is not equipped for Lyft or Uber.

4. Rent your car out with apps/websites like Getaround.

5. Sell your stuff you don't need. Another person's trash is someone's treasure. Also, buy low and sell high online.

6. Consult/Coach. Share what you know and get paid.

7. Are you crafty? Create jewelry, clothing (check for my daughters line), furniture, or accessories.

8. Start a blog (share mine) or Vlog (Video Blog).

9. Tax Season is here! Learn to do taxes and get paid doing others taxes.

10. Bake cookies, cakes and pastries. Good home side hustle.

Marquis J. Walker
Shop Amazon!
Marquis Walker YouTube Channel

Thursday, January 2, 2020

9 Ways to get out of debt in 2020!

For my FIRST BLOG POST, I'm going to start with some financial knowledge. I heard this quote when I was little and it said, "If you hang with 9 broke friends, your bound to be the 10th one." Not sure who originally delivered those bars, but that saying stuck with me. I'm all about making sure the people around me are in good financial shape. Only if they want to be. My headlock isn't that strong as I age. This is an invitation. But, not just my circle of love ones, the world. Please share, comment and support me. Thanks in advance.

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9 Ways to get out of debt in 2020!

1. Create a budget. And if you are married or a couple, do it together. And once your budget is completed, make sure you re-visit it at least four times a year or more.

2. Cut the 3 "C's". Cable, Cell Phone and credit cards. Call these companies and ask them to cut down you bills and interest rates. Cut other bills as well. You will have to sacrifice.

3. Learn a new trade if your not inclined of talent. Some side hustles come natural to some, but others need training. Ex. Everyone cannot be a ride share driver.

4. Ask for a raise or a promotion. Take notes and keep a file on your progress at work and highlight that in your yearly review.

5. Start a business or a side hustle. I started a clothing line with my daughter. Links below. Also check out my YouTube channel below. Subscribe and ring the bell for notifications please.
Marquis Walker YouTube Channel

6. Pay down your debt either by the highest credit card interest rates or the lowest bills.

7. Rent out a room if you have it. Get a roommate. Rent out your extra storage unit.

8. Coupon! Save money of food and other items by using coupons. Don't eat out as much as well.

9. Make homemade cleaning supplies. I use vinegar and baking soda for everything. If you reading this, share your homemade remedies for cleaning and other things below.

Thanks for reading my first blog. I feel special.

Marquis J. Walker
Blogger/Father/Music Reviewer
Cevere's Creations
Shop Amazon Now

Are You Still Saving Money?

It's tough out there for the WORLD with the CoronaVirus. People are dying! It's not really a time to think about money. IS IT? Shoul...