Tuesday, January 28, 2020

7 Funny "$" Savings Tips

Tax season is so stressful to most, so I wanted to lighten up the mood. Below are seven funny money savings tips. I'll start off and hopefully you will share some of yours in the comments below. I'm looking forward to you making me laugh as well.

See the source image

Tip #1: Freeze Your Credit Cards are Under Arrest!

Freeze your credit cards. I'm not sure where I heard this one from, but it was around my college years. Around the same time they were throwing credit cards at me like playing cards. And I was catching all of them. I believe I opened at least four credit cards at the same time. Boy, was that a mistake. Nobody in my circle ever told me about credit. I thought it was free money. NOPE! But I do remember someone telling me, don't cut your credit cards, freeze them! Put them in water and freeze them. Whatever you decide to use, water or scissors, just get out of debt. Please view my other blogs to do so.

Tip #2: "Oh Snap, I forgot my...."

Don't bring your purse/wallet? I'm not sure if I can do this one myself, but I understand the concept. Of course if you do this, bring your license. Something that will identify you. Your friends maybe mad at you when your not paying your portion of the bills, but they will get over it. Tell them to read this blog, they will understand. Wait! Then they will not bring there money as well. Who's going to pay? You can always wash dishes.

Tip #3: Lunch Super(Market) Special

This is something I do whenever I'm around the supermarkets. I'm in love with FREE samples. Not just at the markets, but at the malls. I'm the type of person that will act like I'm three different people, just to get another sample. Hat to the back, hat down by my eyes and hat off and the FREE samples are in my belly. LOL!

Tip #4: You Must(ard) Ketchup!

That's right people, I steal condiment packets. Also napkins for my car. You never know when you will need a tissue. If you take a couple of mustard, ketchup, salt and pepper packets, I'm pretty sure your savor will forgive you. I really like the hot sauce packets. So if you come to my home, please don't think I'm cheap.

Tip #5: Fridge Selfie

Yes, fridge selfie. Take a picture of your fridge when it's full of food, then when you go shopping again, it's like a visual list. You can also write a list on your phone, but your fridge is sexy and it needs attention too. Snap away!

Tip #6: What? A Coupon!

All you have to do is speak with the waiter when your dates not looking. Sneak them the coupon and you are in the clear? Most restaurants have deals during the week. So, I usually look online and find discounts and sometimes FREE meals. Do your research for restaurants, museums, zoos, etc. Full Price is old school, save money and make money.

Tip #7: Bowl Cuts?

There are ways to save money with the bowl cut. Put a bowl on your head and get the hair clippers. Or fellas, learn to use clippers and save on a few cuts a year by shaping up your self and fading your sides. Ladies, you could join us with the BC or you can save on those expensive hair products and make home remedies for your skin and your hair. And ladies, the make-up too. I know it cost to be the boss ladies, but it's also great to save money, not to be funny. 

Thanks again for taking the time to read my blog(s). I'm honored and blessed someone is reading. Please comment below and read my other blogs. 

Also, please support my daughter, my girlfriend and myself below in our business endeavors. I'm also a Amazon affiliate. Please support if you can. I'll write (see) you next time. 

Marquis J. Walker
Father/Creator/1/3 Comedian

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