Friday, April 3, 2020

Are You Still Saving Money?

It's tough out there for the WORLD with the CoronaVirus. People are dying! It's not really a time to think about money. IS IT? Should we be focused on our money? 

Image result for covavirus
My philosophy has always been family and friends first. Humans first. I hope you select lives over money as well. Maybe it's the reason you clicked on this blogged. 

However your dealing with this epidemic, I'd like to hear about it. Pleases share below in the comments. I'm not a therapist, but I'm pretty good with common sense questions. Ask away! 

Remember that, even the strongest person you know, needs to be checked up on. Check in with your love ones even the ones your fighting with. I'd be the first to admit, I'm guilty of holding grudges on people. During this crisis, we have to learn to forgive, but never forget. Because if you owe me money, I'm NOT forgetting. LOL!

People need detailed stories, positive messages to each other, entertaining video content and of course, GREAT MUSIC. I know I do. What are you doing to cope? Let us know. My fans are family. 

If your on social media, you see that the WORLD is united. The people are responding more positive than negative. It's really a site to see. People are singing together, having Instagram DJ parties and releasing music to please there audience. I even scene comedians sharing funny content and thoughts for our entertainment. I welcome it all. Please share your links below, if you want to share your talents. 

I'm really enjoying how the WORLD concurs tragedy. However your cooping with this COVID-19 situation, please share below. We all would love to hear your stories. I would like to hear your stories. Please stay safe, stay healthy and bless you and your family and friends. 

Let's Stay Together

You have to automate your finances. I suggest linking the bills below: 

  • Utilities (i.e., electric, water, and gas)
  • Cell phone
  • Cable TV and internet
  • Charitable donations
  • Insurance
  • Home mortgage or rent
  • Credit card statements
  • Recurring monthly subscriptions (i.e., gym membership, streaming apps)
  • Sinking funds
Don't Give UP

Don't give up on your retirement account. You need to keep investing and funding your account. Don't be scared that the stock market is low. If you know the stock market, you know this happens in spurts, but in the long run everyone makes money in the long term. You have to have patients. 

Cancel Him/Her

I'm not talking about people, I'm talking about them subscriptions you don't need. Do you need magazines, when everything is online. Do you need Netflix, Hulu and the Fire Stick at the SAME TIME? Delete one or two of them. Or share with family and friends to save money. 

Deliver Me

Start using those clever apps on your phone. They are mostly FREE. Order from home, be safe at home. Order your food, prescriptions and other needed items and avoid the long lines, people and risk of getting the RONA (Corona). #StayAtHome

Remember Family & Friends before MONEY. Once your circle of people are SAFE, get your money safe as well. I hope I helped a bit today. If you believe I'm worthy of your money, please support my daughter's and my clothing adventures below. Thanks in advance. 

Marquis J. Walker

Are You Still Saving Money?

It's tough out there for the WORLD with the CoronaVirus. People are dying! It's not really a time to think about money. IS IT? Shoul...